Should your home inspector use a drone?

Drones have taken the tech world by storm over the past few years and we’re not complaining. When it comes to capturing spectacular aerial views, these little flying robots can do wonders. While drones may be a videographer’s best friend, can the same be said for a home inspection team? These days, some companies make use of drones to investigate and inspect homes, skipping all the manual exertion involved. But with the ease comes the cons. Learn why drones might not be the best option or why they might be when you’re hiring a home inspection company for your house!

How Drones Make the Job Easy

Drones are ideal for a roof inspection. Examining roofs with a drone prevents the inspector from walking and possibly damaging the shingles on your roof. Plus, it’s a safer option as well. Some home inspectors might not even bother to climb on the roof and inspect with binoculars instead. To make the job easier, a drone can come in handy with roof inspections.

Assessing a roof with a drone will also keep the heavy ladders and other similar items away.

While no camera in the world can be compared to the actual eye, a high quality drone can capture a high definition view of the roof and give the inspector a good overall idea of the condition of the roof and any apparent damages. The video can also be recorded to view later in case something has been missed out on the initial investigation.

Where Do Drones Lack?

Perhaps the biggest downside to drones is that they don’t come cheap. A good drone will cost anywhere over $1000 and this would mean the cost of your home inspection will naturally elevate as well. Plus, if you don’t need a thorough roof inspection done, you really don’t need a drone inspection after all.

It’s important to weigh the advantages of a drone home inspection versus its disadvantages before making the final decision with your prospective home inspection company in the Des Moines area.

See yesterday’s post here.

Found a short video talking about using drones in our industry…


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